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8 Tips for Winter Driving

Winter driving

With the cold spell and winter conditions we have been experiencing lately here in Ontario, we thought it was a good idea to go over some best practices for winter driving. Read on for some of our top tips…

~ First off, make sure that your car is in good driving condition for the winter time. Check out this post with a list of winter car maintenance best practices. Winter tires are an obvious must (plus the extra bonus of a winter tire discount on your car insurance rates).

~ Also be sure that your car is well-stocked with emergency supplies. Check out this post for a checklist for your vehicle’s emergency kit.

~ Before you head out on the road, ensure that you have cleared all snow and ice from your car. The last thing you want to do during dangerous driving conditions is add the further challenge of poor visibility.

~ Slow it down! Winter conditions require a slower driving speed. Driving too fast is a major contributor to many collisions in the winter time. Don’t zip around at your usual pace. Take your time! Also avoid any quick or abrupt turns or stops – this is when you can lose control of your car and skid out on icy roads. Brake slowly and take it easy, especially when turning.

~ Speaking of stopping, it takes longer to stop when roads are snowy and/or icy. So absolutely don’t tailgate and make sure that there is plenty of room between your car and the vehicle in front of you.

~ If you find yourself skidding, resist the temptation to slam on the brakes. This resource from Transport Canada has helpful suggestions for getting back control of your car with a rear-wheel, front-wheel or four-wheel skid.

~ Skip the cruise control. It’s just not a safe option when there is a chance the car could go into a hydro plane.

~ Keep tabs on the weather forecast so that you have an idea what you might be in for on your drive or so you can make alternate travel arrangements if weather is expected to turn for the worse.

References used for this post:

~ Winter Driving Tips from the Canada Safety Council
~ Winter Driving from Transport Canada

Other related posts on the blog you may want to check out:

~ Checklist: Getting Ready for Winter Driving
~ Time to Think Winter Tires 

If you can’t avoid being on the road during inclement winter weather, following these tips can help you to stay safe out there and hopefully avoid any accident or incident (and the corresponding car insurance claim). If you have any questions, reach out to our team or head over here if you’re in the market for car insurance in Ontario.


Image courtesy of dan at


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