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Business Loss Prevention – Protect Your Computers

Business loss prevention computers

Virtually any business these days uses computers, whether it’s to communicate, such as for emails or maintaining an online presence with a website and social media, or to actually run the business, from processing orders to storing and organizing critical data.

An important part of your business insurance coverage involves protecting your computers and devices. Many businesses simply couldn’t run with them! And it’s not just the equipment itself that carries value. More often than not, what they hold and the data they store is the most valuable thing of all. As we know, insurance is in place to cover any loss. But the ultimate goal (and the best way to keep you rates low) is to avoid making claims in the first place.

Protect your computers

Here are some suggestions for keeping the computers in your business safe and sound.

  • Consider clamping or locking PCs to desks or work stations, especially if this equipment is out in the open or housed in a public area. There are security kits available.
  • Does your business use laptops rather? These portable computers are very easy to steal. Remember never to leave them unsecured or unattended. Same goes for tablets, smartphones etc.
  • Maintain records of the serial numbers for all of your computer equipment. This is important information for any theft investigation.

Protect your virtual assets

Loss prevention does not just refer to the tangible theft of your actual devices. Our digital world also requires businesses to consider the integrity of their data security and the ability of their computers to actually run – a computer malfunction or security breach can be just as detrimental as having the computer stolen (if not more!).

  • Backup data and programs on a regular basis and store them offsite in a secure location. There are so many options now for backups and so many businesses that specialize in backup and disaster recovery services, including in-depth fully compliant options that meet regulatory requirements in your industry. And don’t be overwhelmed if your back up needs are simple and you don’t have an IT person or department to help – there are plenty of inexpensive and straightforward options and consultants who specialize in supporting businesses just like yours. This is definitely well worth looking into!
  • You of course want to avoid having to recover what’s on your computers in the first place. Ensure that your computers have anti spam and anti virus protection to keep your data secure and avoid any devices being compromised to the point that they are unusable. Cyber criminals and hackers abound.

These are just a few main security considerations, but depending on the type of business you operate, your cyber security needs may be more in-depth. In this case an IT consultant or professional will be able to offer more specific advice to securing your commercial operations. Click here to learn more about cyber security and business.

Want more advice and recommendations? Click here for more business insurance and business protection tips.

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Image source: | Stuart Miles

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