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Heading on Holiday This Summer? Savvy Steps to Safeguard Your Home


Summertime is in full swing and for many of us here in Ontario, summer means getting out of the city, whether it’s heading out on a road trip or taking a holiday out of province.

When vacation planning, you’re thinking about a lot of things. Accommodations, transportation, maybe even travel insurance if you’re heading further afield. But one thing that might not be on your radar is your home. And more specifically, the safety of your house while you’re away.

The last thing you want to dampen your vacation high when you get back is to discover that you have been robbed.

As we all know, locking everything up or even using a burglar alarm may not be enough to prevent a robbery. It comes down to making sure that your house looks like someone is there, even when it’s empty.


Take these steps to ensure that your home is as burglar proof as possible during your holidays…


~ Stop your mail or newspaper delivery, or ensure that you have someone coming by for a pick-up daily. Don’t let an overflowing letter box or pile of papers give you away.

~ Use electronic timers for lights, inside and out, to emulate the normal usage of lights when the house is occupied.

~ If you have a good relationship with your neighbours, you can ask them to park in your driveway once in a while, and get them to put one of their trash cans in front of your place on garbage day.

~ If you have any valuables that are priceless and irreplaceable to you regardless of whether you would get compensated by your home insurance plan, such as family heirlooms, think about removing them, for example putting them in a safety deposit box.

~ Have a big beautiful lawn? If you’re away for a longer time, overgrown grass is a sure giveaway that no one is home. Get a neighbor or local teen to mow the lawn while you’re gone.

~ Have someone that will be coming into your home to water plants or feed the cat? Don’t leave the house key out for them somewhere obvious, like under your door mat. Come up with a stealthier hiding spot, or better yet, just hand deliver the key if possible.

~ Keep your vacay plans to yourself. Some of us in our friendliness can be quite chatty and sharing your excitement for your two weeks up at the cabin with a delivery guy might happen as a matter of course with a little amicable small talk. Be mindful of keeping those holiday details to yourself.


Click here for more helpful home insurance and home maintenance tips.

And if you’re looking for cheap insurance in Toronto and around Ontario, whether for home or otherwise, get in touch with us today!


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